2020.09.10 19:09Nation

飲食店の時短、都外の外出自粛解除 感染状況、1段階引き下げ―東京都

 小池百合子知事は会議後に記者会見し、「今後、都外へ外出する際には感染防止対策に万全を期していただきたい」と述べた。知事は9日に都内で西村康稔経済再生担当相と面会した際、政府の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンに東京発着分を追加する場合、都民の旅行や都内の観光業者への上乗せ支援を要望した。

2020.09.10 19:09Nation

Tokyo to Lift Request for Shorter Restaurant Hours on Tuesday

The Tokyo metropolitan government plans to lift its request for restaurants to shorten their business hours on Tuesday, informed sources said Thursday.
   The request has been in place in the Japanese capital's densely populated 23 wards in the fight against the novel coronavirus.
   On Thursday, the metropolitan government lowered its coronavirus alert by one notch to the second-highest level of the four-tier warning system, calling for caution about a possible spread of the virus.
   Tokyo saw its seven-day average of new coronavirus cases fall to 148.6 as of Wednesday from 346.3 as of Aug. 5. Previously, the alert was set at the highest level, which means the virus is spreading.
   But the metropolitan government maintained its view on Tokyo's medical care system, saying it needs to be strengthened.


