2020.09.10 07:13Nation

「菅政権」の人事に関心 党内、強まる派閥圧力―自民総裁選


2020.09.10 07:13Nation

Fight for Posts under Suga-Led Govt Already Underway

Members of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party are already jockeying for party board and cabinet posts under a government expected to be led by Yoshihide Suga, currently chief cabinet secretary.
   The five party factions backing Suga, who is viewed as a shoo-in in Monday's election for picking a new president of the LDP, are now pressing him for appointments despite the chief cabinet secretary's goal of doing away with factional politics.
   Suga is widely expected to win the leadership race as his rivals, LDP Policy Research Council Chairman Fumio Kishida and former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, lag far behind in gaining support within the party.
   The new LDP president will certainly be chosen as prime minister in an election to be held at the Diet, Japan's parliament, on Wednesday, thanks to the party's comfortable majority in the House of Representatives, the all-important lower chamber of the Diet. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe late last month announced a decision to step down as prime minister due to ill health.
   Suga was met with cheers from some 15 lawmakers from a faction led by LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai on Wednesday. Suga thanked them for throwing their support behind him in just a few days from the start of the election period.


