2020.09.10 08:50Nation

来年の広島訪問に意欲 「世界は被爆者に借り」―国連総長


2020.09.10 08:50Nation

U.N. Chief Hoping to Visit Hiroshima Next Year

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Wednesday that he wants to visit Hiroshima next year, after his planned trip to the atomic-bombed western Japan city this summer was canceled due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
   In an online interview with Japanese media organizations, Guterres said that he had the opportunity to meet hibakusha atomic bomb survivors in the past, and that he was "deeply impressed by their moral authority, by their courage, by their resilience."
   "I think the world has a debt toward them," he said. "And that debt should lead us to work much more effectively in relation to disarmament."
   The secretary-general was initially scheduled to attend the memorial ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, but instead sent a video message.
   In 2010, then U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon took part in the Aug. 6 memorial ceremony in Hiroshima, becoming the first U.N. chief to do so.


