2020.09.10 08:18Nation

バッハ会長「安全」強調 コロナ対策は具体案示さず―東京五輪


2020.09.10 08:18Nation

IOC Bach Stresses "Safe and Successful" Tokyo Games

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said Wednesday that "we remain very focused on delivering a safe and successful" Tokyo Olympics.
   He made the comment in a teleconference held after the day's IOC board meeting. The Tokyo Summer Games has been postponed by one year to 2021 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
   "You have to see them in a context," Bach said regarding reported remarks earlier this month by John Coates, chairman of the IOC coordination commission for the Tokyo Olympics, that the games will start on July 23 next year regardless of the coronavirus. But Bach also said, "Mr. Coates, like the entire IOC, is fully committed to the principle we always apply of the Olympic Games in a safe environment for all participants."
   An IOC task force will hold discussions with the Japanese side in the next few weeks on measures against the novel coronavirus that will be implemented during the Tokyo Games, possibly including limiting the audience size.
   However, Bach refrained from giving detailed scenarios for measures, saying only: "We don't know how the world looks like tomorrow. So how can you expect from us how the world looks in 320 days from today?"


