2020.09.10 00:42Nation

「10月の総選挙予想」 河野防衛相


2020.09.10 00:42Nation

Japan General Election Likely in Oct.: Defense Min. Kono

Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono said Wednesday that a general election will likely be held in the country in October.
   In an online event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a U.S. think tank, Kono said that a cabinet reshuffle will probably be carried out on Wednesday after the Diet, Japan's parliament, elects a new prime minister on the day following an election on Monday for picking a new president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
   "We expect an early general election, probably sometime in October...maybe in October," he said.
   "We're going to be ready for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games next year, so I think that's going to be a very small window" for a dissolution of the House of Representatives, the all-important lower chamber of the Diet, and a subsequent general election, he said.
   "So the new prime minister will probably grab that window," Kono said.


