2020.09.10 00:26Nation

菅氏「不妊治療に保険適用」 待機児童解消に決意―自民総裁選


2020.09.10 00:26Nation

Suga Eager to Boost Insurance Coverage for Infertility Treatment

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, a leading candidate for Japan's next prime minister, expressed eagerness on Wednesday to boost insurance coverage for infertility treatment.
   "We should lower the bar for giving birth," Suga, 71, said at a debate hosted by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's Youth and Women's Affairs divisions. "I want infertility treatment to be covered by insurance, to support a wide range of households wishing to welcome babies."
   The debate was also joined by two other candidates in the LDP presidential election--LDP Policy Research Council Chairman Fumio Kishida, 63, and former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, 63.
   Couples struggling with infertility in Japan have called for stronger public support, as related treatments involve significant cost.
   Insurance coverage for infertility treatment is among the items to be studied in this year's outline of government policies to tackle the low birthrate, Suga told a news conference on Wednesday. Related measures are "extremely important," he added.


