2020.09.08 21:12Nation

マスク拒否で臨時着陸 警告書に大声、2時間遅れ―ピーチ機


2020.09.08 21:12Nation

Passenger Refusing to Wear Mask Booted from Peach Aviation Flight

A Peach Aviation plane has made an unscheduled landing midway through its flight after a male passenger refused to wear a face mask.
   Before the plane's takeoff from Kushiro Airport in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, at 12:30 p.m. Monday (3:30 a.m. GMT), staff members of the Japanese budget airline affiliated with ANA Holdings Inc. asked the man to wear a mask to prevent the potential spread of the novel coronavirus, sources familiar with the incident said Tuesday. But the passenger refused the request.
   He continued refusing to follow the request for wearing a mask after the departure. The passenger began shouting after flight attendants handed him a warning notice, prompting the plane to make an unplanned stop at Niigata Airport in Niigata Prefecture, central Japan, the sources said. The passenger was removed from the flight at the airport to ensure safety, the sources said.
   The plane reached its destination, Kansai International Airport in the western Japan prefecture of Osaka, two hours and 15 minutes later than scheduled due to the incident.
   There were 124 other passengers aboard the flight, and some of them voiced concern over the male passenger refusing to wear a mask, according to the sources.


