2020.09.08 15:35Nation

GoToクーポン、来月開始 旅行代金の15%、飲食店支援も

 観光庁は8日、観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」のうち、お土産や旅行先の飲食店などで使える「地域共通クーポン」事業を10月1日に始めると発表した。旅行代金の15%分を発行する。先行導入した35%分の代金割引と合わせ、旅行費用の半額を補助する同キャンペーン支援策が出そろう。
 農林水産省も8日、飲食店への支援策「Go To イート」キャンペーンのうち、プレミアム付き食事券の発行について、同日から飲食店の登録を開始すると発表した。地域によっては早ければ9月中旬から食事券の販売が始まる見通し。

2020.09.08 15:35Nation

Go To Travel's Coupon Scheme to Begin Oct. 1

The Japan Tourism Agency said Tuesday the "Go To Travel" tourism promotion campaign's coupon scheme will begin on Oct. 1.
   Under the scheme, coupons worth 15 pct of travel expenditures will be issued for use at souvenir shops and eateries at travel destinations.
   Combined with the 35 pct discount scheme that began on July 22, the campaign will cover half of travel costs in order to spur tourism demand, which has been dampened by the novel coronavirus crisis.
   Also on Tuesday, the agriculture ministry said it has started the registration of eateries participating in the discount meal coupon program of the government's "Go To Eat" campaign supporting eateries hit hard by the pandemic. The meal coupons are expected to put on sale in mid-September in some areas at the earliest.
   The Go To Travel coupons will be issued on paper and digitally, in denominations of 1,000 yen. The number of issued coupons is rounded up if 15 pct of travel expenses results in a figure with a remainder of 500 yen or more, and rounded down if not.


