2020.09.08 07:04Nation

来年度増税に慎重姿勢 甘利自民税調会長インタビュー


2020.09.08 07:04Nation

INTERVIEW: LDP's Amari Cautious about Tax Hikes in FY 2021

Japanese ruling party executive Akira Amari has sounded cautious about implementing tax increases in fiscal 2021, which starts in April next year.
   "It's debatable whether we should seek higher tax burdens" at a time when the Japanese economy is losing its strength amid the novel coronavirus crisis, Amari, chairman of the LDP's Research Commission on the Tax System, said in an interview with Jiji Press.
   He underlined the need for tax measures to cushion the economic impacts of the epidemic.
   Stressing that the automotive industry is playing a key role in supporting the economy, Amari said that the LDP plans to propose an extension of a tax cut program for eco-friendly vehicles that is set to expire in April 2021.
   He also hinted at the possibility of considering making a broad range of vehicles from major automakers subject to preferential tax treatment, including through the new automobile tax introduced last October, whose rate is lower for fuel-efficient vehicles.


