2020.09.07 13:24Nation

泉、枝野氏が一騎打ち 合流新党代表選が告示


2020.09.07 13:24Nation

2 Enter New Opposition Party's Leader Race in Japan

Two candidates entered the race Monday to choose the first leader of the new party to be created through the merger of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Democratic Party for the People.
   The election, slated for Thursday, will be a one-on-one competition between DPFP policy chief Kenta Izumi, 46, and CDPJ leader Yukio Edano, 56.
   The focal point is whether Edano, who is believed to have the upper hand thanks to support from CDPJ and independent lawmakers joining the new party, will secure enough votes to solidify his power base.
   After his candidacy filing, Izumi told reporters that he wants to make the new party an opposition force that makes proposals.
   He also said he will bring up novel coronavirus countermeasures and economic measures, particularly those related to the consumption tax, as campaign issues.


