2020.09.07 07:03Nation

維新、「菅首相」に期待感 蜜月関係拡大か―自民総裁選


2020.09.07 07:03Nation

Nippon Ishin Eager to See Suga Become Japan's New PM

Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party) is increasingly hoping to join hands with Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, the front-runner in the leadership race of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
   Nippon Ishin hopes to seek backing for its key policies, including the so-called Osaka metropolis administrative reorganization initiative, from Suga after he is potentially elected new prime minister to succeed Shinzo Abe, by deepening the favorable relations it has built with the Abe administration. Suga has sounded positive on cooperating with Nippon Ishin.
   Suga, LDP policy chief Fumio Kishida and former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba have declared their bids to run in the Sept. 14 election to choose the LDP's next president.
   It is almost certain for the new LDP president to be elected new prime minister at the Diet, Japan's parliament, on the back of the party's comfortable majority in the House of Representatives, the all-important lower chamber. The election for new prime minister is set for Sept. 16. Abe announced late last month a decision to quit as prime minister due to health reasons, ahead of the end of his term as LDP president in September 2021.
   "It's natural for Suga, the right-hand man of Abe, to take over his jobs (as LDP president and prime minister)," Ichiro Matsui, leader of Nippon Ishin and affiliated Osaka Ishin no Kai, a regional party in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, and mayor of the city of Osaka, the capital of the prefecture, told reporters at the Osaka municipal government office on Friday.


