2020.09.06 10:35Nation

地方重視、国の役割見直し 自民総裁選でTV討論―岸田・石破氏


2020.09.06 10:35Nation

Kishida, Ishiba Stress Priority on Rural Areas

Two ruling party executives aiming to succeed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stressed Sunday their stances of placing emphasis on the countryside and called for a review to the roles of the central and local governments.
   Appearing on a program of public broadcaster NHK, Liberal Democratic Party Policy Research Council Chairman Fumio Kishida reiterated his "digital garden city state concept" that seeks to bring out the vitality of rural areas through the use of advanced technologies.
   "After creating such model for the countryside, we will consider the role sharing between the state and rural areas," Kishida said.
   Former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba told the same television program that people in the countryside know better how to make best use of resources in rural areas.
   Ishiba called for transferring more authority and financial resources from the central government to local governments.


