2020.09.05 20:34Nation

菅氏、「無派閥・非世襲」初の自民総裁か 石破・岸田氏は政治家一家


2020.09.05 20:34Nation

Suga May Become 1st Non-Faction, Non-Dynasty LDP Head

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga would become the first leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party who does not belong to a party faction nor is from a political dynasty if he wins the party leadership election scheduled for Sept. 14.
   Suga's rivals in the race, former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba and LDP Policy Research Council Chairman Fumio Kishida, have both succeeded their fathers in their constituencies and lead their respective factions in the party. Such has been the norm for LDP presidents in the past three decades, with most chiefs being in the second or third generation of politicians in their families.
   The dependence on factions reflects the need to amass a large number of supporting lawmakers to vie for the party presidency.
   Suga was also once part of a faction, having belonged to the group now led by former LDP General Council Chairman Wataru Takeshita. However, he left the faction to support the LDP leadership bid of former Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiroku Kajiyama in 1998.
   He then joined the group now led by Kishida, but split ways in 2009 after Suga began to take issue with the nature of factions. Since then, Suga has called for the elimination of factions and have remained nonaligned.


