2020.09.03 20:08Nation

JR東、定期券値上げ検討 割安の「オフピーク」新設―民営化後初


2020.09.03 20:08Nation

JR East Set to Consider Raising Commuter Pass Prices

East Japan Railway Co. plans to consider raising prices of commuter passes, Yuji Fukasawa, president of the company, better known as JR East, has said.
   It would be the first time, except when the consumption tax rate was hiked, for JR East to raise train fares or commuter pass prices since the company was launched in 1987 through the breakup and privatization of the Japanese National Railways.
   But it will likely take time for the plan to be implemented, because approval from the transport ministry is required for railway fare hikes.
   JR East will also consider introducing "off-peak" commuter passes that cannot be used during rush hours, but instead are cheaper than conventional commuter passes, Fukasawa told a press conference on Thursday.
   The spread of the novel coronavirus has changed how people use trains, with many companies introducing or expanding staggered commuting and teleworking amid the epidemic. Some companies have even decided to stop providing employees with allowances to cover costs for commuter passes.


