2020.09.03 16:11Nation

遭難のパナマ貨物船、沈没か 救助の男性証言―奄美大島沖

 第10管区海上保安本部(鹿児島市)は3日、鹿児島県・奄美大島西の東シナ海で遭難したパナマ船籍の貨物船「ガルフ ライブストック1」(1万1947トン)について、海上で救助された乗組員のフィリピン人男性が海保の事情聴取に対し、「転覆後、沈没した」と証言していることを明らかにした。他に外国人42人が乗っており、海保が捜索を続けている。

2020.09.03 16:11Nation

Freighter Distressed off Japan Sank, Rescued Crew Member Says

The rescued male Filipino crew member of a Panamanian-registered freighter distressed off Japan has said that the ship sank after capsizing, Japan Coast Guard officials said Thursday.
   The coast guard is searching for 42 other non-Japanese crew members of the 11,947-ton Gulf Livestock 1, which was carrying some 5,800 head of cattle.
   The coast guard's 10th regional headquarters in the city of Kagoshima, southwestern Japan, received a distress signal from the ship when it was sailing in East China Sea waters west of Amami-Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture early Wednesday.
   The rescued crew member told the coast guard that the ship became unnavigable after an engine stopped, and that waves caused it to overturn, according to the officials. He said that he jumped into the sea wearing a life jacket and saw the ship sinking, adding that he saw no other crew member do as he did.
   The freighter was sailing in stormy weather caused by Typhoon Maysak, the ninth typhoon of the year. The ship left New Zealand on Aug. 14 and was scheduled to arrive in Tangshan, Hebei Province, China, on Friday this week.


