2020.09.03 19:15Nation

大阪都構想、再び住民投票 制度案、市議会も承認―松井氏「冷静な判断を」


2020.09.03 19:15Nation

Osaka City Assembly OKs Reorganization Plan

The Osaka city assembly Thursday approved a plan to reorganize the western Japan city into four special wards, effectively paving the way for a second referendum on the issue.
   The prefectural assembly of Osaka has already approved the plan. The referendum by city residents is set to take place Nov. 1 unless the novel coronavirus situation worsens.
   On Thursday, the so-called Osaka metropolis plan was approved by a majority vote with support from the regional political party Osaka Ishin no Kai and Komeito.
   In the previous referendum in May 2015, an earlier version of the reorganization plan was voted down.
   If the current plan is endorsed in the next referendum, the city will be divided into four special wards with their own mayors and assemblies in January 2025.


