2020.07.29 20:31Nation

自民内に辺野古見直しの声 政府・沖縄反対、支持広がらず


2020.07.29 20:31Nation

Calls for Review of Futenma Relocation Plan Rising from LDP

Some lawmakers of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party are calling for a review of a controversial plan to relocate a U.S. military base within the southernmost Japan prefecture of Okinawa.
   Some question details of the plan to transfer the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air base in a densely populated area of Ginowan in Okinawa to the Henoko coastal area in Nago, also Okinawa, while others suggest a change in the plan to allow the replacement facility in Henoko to be used for both military and civilian purposes.
   But such voices from LDP lawmakers have not been welcomed by the central government, which is eager to push ahead with the relocation plan, nor the prefectural government of Okinawa, which has been calling for the cancellation of the relocation plan and wants the Futenma base to be removed from the prefecture.
   At a press conference on Wednesday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga clearly rejected the possibility of reviewing the relocation plan.
   Meanwhile, former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba said at a lecture on July 2, "I don't think that proceeding with the existing plan while believing that it is the only option is the only solution."


