2020.07.14 07:11Nation

コロナ感染拡大で対応苦慮 経済活動と両立手探り―企業


2020.07.14 07:11Nation

Japan Firms Groping for Ways to Coexist with COVID-19

Japanese companies are struggling to strike a balance between resuming their business activities and keeping COVID-19 controls in place amid the recent resurgence in new coronavirus infection cases mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
   The firms are groping for work styles that would make it possible for them to coexist with the threat of the virus.
   After the Japanese government lifted its restrictions on travel across prefectural borders in June, some companies gradually started to allow its employees to make domestic business trips while carefully examining their necessity.
   As the number of COVID-19 cases began to increase again in Tokyo, however, consumer electronics company Panasonic Corp. notified its employees on July 3 of a policy to minimize travel to and from the Tokyo metropolitan area. Sony Corp. , also an electronics maker, eased its restrictions on domestic business trips from the end of June but still encourages its employees to use teleconference systems when they hold meetings.
   There are also many companies that continue to ban business trips in principle.


