2020.07.16 07:10Nation

「GoTo」強まる延期論 22日スタートに安倍首相も「迷い」



 政府の旅行需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンが、22日のスタートを目前に壁に直面している。東京都を中心に新型コロナウイルス感染者が急増しているためだ。感染者の流入を懸念する各地の首長からは見直しを求める発言が相次ぎ、野党も追及を強める。ただ、鳴り物入りで実施を決めた政策の転換は安倍政権への打撃が避けられず、「首相も官房長官も迷っている」(政府関係者)のが実情だ。
 だが、Go Toキャンペーンは経済のV字回復を目指す安倍政権の看板政策だ。新型コロナ対策はこれまでも迷走ぶりが批判を招いており、新たな方針転換は政権基盤をさらに弱体化させかねない。菅氏は15日の記者会見で「各自治体の中にさまざまな意見があることは承知している」と認める一方、「観光や飲食の業界からは期待する声が寄せられている」と強調、予定通りの実施が望ましいとの立場をにじませた。

2020.07.16 07:10Nation

Calls for Delaying Travel Campaign Grow amid Virus Resurgence

The administration of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is caught in a bind over its decision to push ahead with the "Go To Travel" tourism promotion campaign despite the resurgence of novel coronavirus infections in Tokyo and other areas.
   The government has been inundated with calls to reconsider the plan, including from local government leaders who worry of infections spreading due to the campaign, which is now slated to start next Wednesday, moved up from the initially planned early August. The national opposition bloc has also been grilling the government over the program.
   But pivoting on a policy that was announced with much fanfare would deal a blow to the administration. A government source said that both Abe and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga are at a loss on how to act.
   One headache for the government is the fact that the April cabinet decision greenlighting the campaign included a clause saying that the campaign will be launched "after the spread of the novel coronavirus has settled down."
   At a meeting of the House of Representatives Budget Committee on Wednesday, former tourism minister Sumio Mabuchi, a member of the opposition Democratic Party for the People, asked economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura whether the government has determined that the novel coronavirus died down.


