2020.07.15 18:22Nation

「改ざんは犯罪、真相明らかに」 「森友」自殺職員妻が法廷で―国賠訴訟第1回弁論







2020.07.15 18:22Nation

Widow of MOF Employee Seeks Truth behind Moritomo Scandal

At a court on Wednesday, the widow of a Japanese Ministry of Finance employee who committed suicide apparently over a high-profile document-tampering scandal involving the ministry and school operator Moritomo Gakuen expressed her desire to uncover the truth behind her husband's death.
   The widow of the MOF employee, Toshio Akagi, who killed himself in March 2018 at the age of 54, has filed a 112-million-yen damages lawsuit with Osaka District Court against the central government and Nobuhisa Sagawa, then director-general of the MOF Financial Bureau.
   In the petition, the 49-year-old widow, Masako, claimed that her husband suffered from depression after continuing to work long hours as he was forced to tamper with documents related to the discount sale of a state land plot to Moritomo Gakuen, eventually choosing to take his own life.
   In March this year, she filed the lawsuit and released her husband's memos, which said that Sagawa ordered Akagi, who was working at the ministry's Kinki Local Finance Bureau, to alter the documents.
   "My husband chose to end his life to express his apology to the public, believing that falsifying the documents was an illegal act," the widow said in Wednesday's first hearing over the case. "I think the memos he left were a letter of apology to the public," Masako said, adding, "The state has continued to betray my desire to know the truth behind the suicide."


