2020.07.15 19:18Nation

20年上半期訪日客、76.3%減 9年ぶり低水準、新型コロナ響く


2020.07.15 19:18Nation

Visitors to Japan Dive 76.3 Pct in Jan.-June

The number of foreign visitors to Japan in the first half of 2020 is estimated to have dropped 76.3 pct from a year before, the Japan National Tourism Organization said Wednesday.
   The decline was caused by travel restrictions imposed around the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
   The January-June total of 3,947,000 marked the lowest first-half level since the six months ended in June 2011, when a major earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in March that year scared off visitors.
   In June 2020 alone, the estimated number of visitors to Japan dropped 99.9 pct from a year earlier to 2,600.


