2020.07.15 07:05Nation

GoToキャンペーンに思い複雑 「地域限定」要望も―自治体

 東京などで新型コロナウイルス感染者が急増する中、政府が「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンを前倒しで行うことを受け、自治体の間では困惑が広がっている。ただ地域の観光業の落ち込みは厳しく、事業への期待は大きい。感染拡大の懸念との間で複雑な思いを語る首長らも多く、全国一斉でなく地域限定の実施を求める声も出ている。

2020.07.15 07:05Nation

Local Chiefs Show Mixed Feelings on "Go To Travel" Scheme

The Japanese government's decision to move up the launch of its "Go To Travel" program despite the resurgence of novel coronavirus infections in Tokyo and other areas is causing local government leaders to show mixed feelings.
   Many local heads are pinning high hopes on the campaign, which is expected to give the much-needed boost to their local tourism industries, but at the same time are worried over the risk of the novel coronavirus being brought to the areas by tourists.
   As a result, some are calling for a partial rollout, limiting the regions to be covered by the travel promotion campaign. The program is set to kick off on July 22, earlier than in the initially planned early August.
   "I wonder if it is all right for the program to begin nationwide at once during this period," Mieko Yoshimura, governor of Yamagata Prefecture, northeastern Japan, said. "It will contribute to the economy, but I cannot welcome it entirely."
   Motonobu Nakagawa, mayor of the western city of Nara, expressed concern over the movement of people over wide areas. "It is preferable to start the program partially, limiting the areas and keeping the risk of infections in mind," he said.


