2020.07.14 18:33Nation

「GoTo」、感染防止を義務化 不十分なら割引対象外―地方が警戒・赤羽国交相

 赤羽一嘉国土交通相は14日の閣議後記者会見で、旅行需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンに参加する旅行・宿泊業者に対し、新型コロナウイルス感染防止策の実施を義務付けると表明した。対策が不十分な旅館やホテルなどを利用した場合、代金割引などの適用が受けられなくなる。東京都で感染者が相次ぐ中、キャンペーンは予定通り22日に始める。

2020.07.14 18:33Nation

Virus Measures to Be Mandatory in "Go To Travel" Scheme

Businesses participating in the Japanese government-led "Go To Travel" tourism promotion program will be required to take prevention measures against the novel coronavirus, and those with inadequate measures will be excluded from the discount scheme, tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said Tuesday.
   Travelers staying at hotels, "ryokan" Japanese-style inns and other lodging facilities with insufficient coronavirus measures will not receive a discount on their travel costs.
   The campaign is scheduled to begin on July 22 as planned, despite the resurgence of infection cases in Tokyo. The move to make coronavirus measures mandatory is aimed at addressing concerns that visitors from the Tokyo metropolitan area may bring the virus to travel destinations around the country.
   The campaign "is not just aimed at reviving tourism demand," Akaba told a press conference, adding, "Promoting a new way of travel that's safe and secure is also an important goal."
   Discounts will be available for trips that were booked before the start of the program, in addition to new reservations.


