2020.07.14 10:30Nation

コロナ乗じる中国警戒 北朝鮮核ミサイル「日本射程」―防衛白書


2020.07.14 10:30Nation

China Taking Advantage of Virus Crisis: Japan Defense Paper

China is trying to form an international order advantageous to the country and increase its political and economic benefits by taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic, the Japanese government said Tuesday.
   Japan will closely monitor China's moves with grave concern, said a defense white paper, submitted at a cabinet meeting by Defense Minister Taro Kono.
   With the pandemic affecting military activities around the world, strategic competition between countries may become evident, the annual report said.
   The paper referred to Chinese propaganda efforts, including those to spread false information, amid social anxiety and confusion stemming from the spread of COVID-19.
   The paper also said that Chinese coast guard ships repeatedly intruded into Japanese waters near the Senkaku Islands in the southernmost Japan prefecture of Okinawa, which are claimed by China. Some ships carried weapons that appeared to be cannons, according to the paper.


