2020.07.13 17:28Nation

経産省、石炭火力休廃止へ検討開始 電力確保や雇用維持に課題


2020.07.13 17:28Nation

Japan Starts Discussing Ways to Shift from Coal Power Generation

An industry ministry panel started full-fledged discussions Monday on how to realize Japan's exit from inefficient coal-fired thermal power generation by fiscal 2030.
   Member experts of the panel will mainly study preferential treatment to electricity suppliers stopping or scrapping obsolete coal-fired power plants early and review rules on the use of power grids to further promote renewable power generation, with a view to compiling proposals to the ministry by the end of the year, ministry officials said.
   Proposed measures will be incorporated into the government's revised basic energy plan, set to be shown as early as summer 2021, they said.
   At the day's online meeting, the experts listed issues that should be given due consideration together with concrete ideas about how to get rid of coal-burning power plants emitting large amounts of heat-trapping carbon dioxide.
   Among others, they pointed to the need to maintain stable electricity supplies amid delays in getting nuclear power plants back online and work out a solution to the job elimination problem expected to occur in areas hosting outdated coal power plants.


