2020.07.13 17:11Nation

在留外国人の再入国拡大 水際緩和、駐在員ら対象―政府


2020.07.13 17:11Nation

Japan to Allow Re-Entry for More Foreign Residents

The Japanese government plans to soon extend the scope of non-Japanese residents eligible for re-entry to the country to include workers of foreign companies and educators, informed sources said Monday.
   The move is basically on humanitarian grounds and is also designed to help the Japanese economy recover. An official decision will be made later this week, according to the sources.
   Re-entry will require polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, testing for the coronavirus, the sources said.
   Currently, foreign residents are not allowed to re-enter Japan after visiting a country or region subject to Tokyo's coronavirus travel ban, even if they have family residing in Japan.
   Re-entry is exceptionally allowed only by those with special and very limited circumstances, such as a need to be treated at a medical institution overseas and a request by a foreign court to appear for a trial.


