2020.07.13 15:06Nation

中学スマホ、条件付き容認 校内使用は禁止、月内通知―文科省


2020.07.13 15:06Nation

Japan to Lift Smartphone Ban for Junior High School Students

The Japanese education ministry decided Monday to approve a policy of allowing junior high school students to bring their smartphones or other mobile communication devices to school, with some conditions.
   Until now, the ministry has banned junior high school students from bringing such devices to school in principle.
   As the policy was approved by a ministry-appointed panel of outside experts on the day, the ministry now plans to inform education boards across the country of the change by the end of this month.
   In the notice, the ministry plans to indicate its stance of allowing junior high school students to bring smartphones to school as a communication tool because many of them sometimes return home late, ministry officials said.
   According to a survey by the Cabinet Office, 66 pct of junior high school students had their own mobile devices in 2017, up from 49 pct in 2010.


