2020.07.12 18:31Nation

4都県の休業要請検討 感染状況次第で―西村再生相


2020.07.12 18:31Nation

Japan Govt May Seek Tokyo Area Biz Suspension Requests

The Japanese government may ask Tokyo and its neighboring prefectures of Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba to make business suspension requests depending on the extent of the new coronavirus outbreak there, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said Sunday.
   "To avoid a situation where people flow into the three prefectures if they cannot play in Tokyo, it would be important for the whole Tokyo metropolitan area to take steps in an integrated manner," Nishimura, who is in charge of the central government's response to the virus crisis, told a press conference. "We have to think about business suspension requests as we monitor the infection situation."
   The minister was referring to business suspension requests prefectural governors are entitled to make based on Article 24 of the revised special measures law to fight new strains of influenza, which now covers the novel coronavirus.
   His remarks came as the central government studies ways to strengthen preventive measures to tackle the recent increase of COVID-19 cases in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
   The prefectural government of Saitama, north of Tokyo, decided Saturday to make a business suspension request based on the article from Monday to restaurants offering hospitality services without taking adequate prevention measures.


