2020.07.10 11:55Nation

新型コロナのクラスターは238件 35%が医療機関―全国知事会集計


2020.07.10 11:55Nation

238 Coronavirus Clusters Confirmed in Japan

Japan confirmed 238 clusters of the novel coronavirus as of June 19, the National Governors' Association said Friday.
   The largest proportion, at 84 clusters, or 35.3 pct of the total, was at hospitals.
   Social welfare facilities, such as nursing homes for the elderly, came in second, with 62 clusters, or 26.1 pct, followed by restaurants, including cabarets with hospitality services, with 41 clusters, or 17.2 pct.
   Clusters also occurred at offices, gyms and live music facilities. The association's data covered clusters with at least five cases.
   A working team set up by the association plans to release a report next month on ways to promote training for medical workers dealing with the virus and early testing on a wide range of people.


