2020.07.10 12:16Nation

「Go To」、22日開始 予約済み旅行も対象―赤羽国交相

 赤羽一嘉国土交通相は10日、新型コロナウイルスで打撃を受けている観光業界を支援する「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンを22日から始めると発表した。当初は8月上旬の開始を見込んでいたが、前倒しする。予約済みの旅行もキャンペーンの補助対象とする。

2020.07.10 12:16Nation

Japan's "Go To Travel" Promotion to Begin July 22

Japanese transport minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said Friday that the "Go To Travel" tourism promotion program will begin on July 22, earlier than the first half of August as previously expected.
   The program is designed to cover 50 pct of the travel costs through discounts and coupons for use at stores and restaurants at travel destinations.
   The discounts will begin on July 22, while the coupon scheme will not be rolled out until September or later because it takes time to develop measures to prevent fraudulent use.
   The program is part of the government's Go To Campaign project to support travel, restaurant and some other industries hit hard by the spread of the novel coronavirus.
   Trips whose reservations have already been made will also be subject to Go To Travel, without the need to cancel and rebook the trips.


