2020.07.06 21:38Nation

国賓来日中止決議で賛否 中国にパイプの二階氏反発―自民




2020.07.06 21:38Nation

LDP Divided over Resolution on Xi State Visit Cancellation

Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party is divided over whether to propose a cancellation of a postponed state visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping amid recent developments in Hong Kong.
   On Monday, a joint meeting of the LDP's foreign affairs-related groups was held to discuss a party resolution over China's enactment last week of the controversial national security law for Hong Kong, which has given Beijing the powers to strengthen its control over the territory.
   Executives of the LDP's Foreign Affairs Division drafted on Friday a resolution that called for a cancellation of Xi's state visit, which was scheduled to take place this spring but has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
   However, LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai, a party heavyweight who has strong connections in China, has expressed objections to the resolution and demanded changes to the wording.
   According to people close to him, Nikai complained that such a resolution would "bring the efforts of our predecessors to nothing," referring to past lawmakers who worked hard over the years to improve Japan-China relations.


