2020.07.07 07:28Nation

韓国、WTOでまた対日批判 輸出管理で「解決意志示さず」


2020.07.07 07:28Nation

S. Korea Slams Japan's Export Controls Again at WTO

South Korea reiterated its criticisms of Japan's tightened controls on semiconductor materials exports to the country at a meeting of the World Trade Organization on Monday.
   South Korea said that Japan did not show a willingness to resolve the issue, in the meeting to review Tokyo's trade policies held at the WTO headquarters in Geneva as well as over a videoconferencing system.
   Paik Ji-ah, South Korea's ambassador to international organizations in Geneva, said her country decided to resume the WTO dispute settlement procedures after reaching "the conclusion that it is difficult to see this situation progressing through normal dialogue."
   South Korea believes that "all the groundless and unfounded reasons suggested by Japan for its measures are no longer valid," Paik said.
   Seoul filed a complaint with the WTO in September last year against Japan's tightened export controls against the neighboring country, but suspended the procedures in November that year to engage in dialogue with Tokyo. South Korea decided to resume the WTO procedures last month.


