2020.07.06 07:12Nation

小池氏の国政復帰警戒 再選、手放しで喜べず―自民・都知事選


2020.07.06 07:12Nation

LDP Wary of Koike's Possible Return to National Politics

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike's re-election might heighten a sense of caution in the Liberal Democratic Party over her possible attempts to return to national politics.
   Koike is also expected to remain at odds with the Tokyo chapter of the LDP, the ruling party in national politics, ahead of a Tokyo metropolitan assembly election next year, sources say.
   The party stays alert although the much-anticipated result in the gubernatorial election in the Japanese capital is expected to have no immediate impact on the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
   On Sunday night, LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai met with LDP lawmaker Ichiro Kamoshita, head of the Tokyo chapter. The LDP Tokyo chapter is "now at a stage for cooperating as much as possible" with the Koike-led metropolitan government, Kamoshita told reporters.
   After Koike overwhelmingly defeated an LDP candidate in the previous Tokyo gubernatorial election in 2016, Nikai, an LDP heavyweight, made a quick decision to support her in the latest election. The chapter's initial bid to field its own candidate was overturned by Nikai.


