2020.07.03 10:30Nation

韓国、日本大使館前の集会禁止 コロナ感染防止、衝突回避狙いも




2020.07.03 10:30Nation

Gatherings near Japanese Embassy in Seoul Banned

Seoul's Jongno district on Friday banned gatherings around the statue of a girl symbolizing so-called comfort women built near the Japanese Embassy there, with the aim of preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus.
   The district office also apparently hopes the ban will help prevent a clash between a group supporting comfort women, who were forced into prostitution for Japanese troops before and during World War II, and a civic group calling for the removal of the statue.
   The ban on gatherings on roads near the embassy will remain effective until the South Korean government changes its coronavirus alert status, which has been set at the highest level of its four-tier warning system since February.
   Fines of up to 3 million won will be slapped on organizers of gatherings in the area and other violators.
   Every Wednesday, the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, which supports comfort women, has been holding a rally near the statue to protest against the Japanese government.


