2020.07.02 21:20Nation

日英、今月末の大筋合意目指す 貿易協定、TPPで再交渉も




2020.07.02 21:20Nation

Japan, Britain Aiming to Reach Trade Deal by End of July

Japan and Britain are aiming to basically reach a post-Brexit bilateral trade agreement by the end of this month, Britain's lead negotiator Graham Zebedee confirmed Thursday.
   "We are working very quickly. We would both like to reach an agreement around the end of this month," Zebedee said in an online speech, adding that he is confident about doing so, although the time is limited.
   His Japanese counterpart, Hiroshi Matsuura, had said in an interview published by the Financial Times last month that the two countries "must complete negotiations by the end of July," so a bilateral trade deal can be approved by Japan's parliament, the Diet, during its possible extraordinary session this autumn.
   The Japanese and British governments are rushing to conclude a trade agreement as the transition period following Britain's exit from the European Union is slated to end on Dec. 31.
   Their trade talks, formally launched on June 9, are focused on automobile tariffs and financial services, as well as e-commerce and procedures to settle investment-related disputes.


