2020.07.02 17:48Nation

旧式の石炭火力9割休廃止 CO2削減へ100基―30年度・政府


2020.07.02 17:48Nation

Japan to Halt 100 Old Coal-Fired Power Plants

The Japanese government plans to suspend or scrap some 100 inefficient old-type coal-fired thermal power plants in the country by fiscal 2030 as part of its efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, informed sources said Thursday.
   They account for 90 pct of some 110 old coal-fired power plants, many of which were constructed in the 1990s or before. There are a total of 140 coal-burning thermal power plants in Japan, including efficient new types.
   With the old power plants emitting large amounts of CO2, the government aims to highlight its resolve to step up its fight against global warming by reducing its dependence on such power generation, the sources said.
   The move represents a major shift in Japan's energy policy, which currently gives weight to coal-fired thermal power generation, pundits said.
   Industry minister Hiroshi Kajiyama is expected to announce on Friday the plan to halt the 100 power plants.


