2020.06.30 21:31Nation

東京都、休業要請の数値基準廃止 感染監視で新指標―新型コロナ


2020.06.30 21:31Nation

Tokyo Scraps Numerical Criteria for Biz Closure Request

The Tokyo metropolitan government revamped its novel coronavirus monitoring regime Tuesday, scrapping numerical criteria for judging whether a business closure request should be reintroduced.
   The previous regime gave specific figures at or above which a business closure request would be issued, such as the number of new infections and the share of untraceable infection cases.
   The metropolitan government will instead refer to analysis by experts about once a week to consider whether to make fresh requests, such as for voluntary restrictions on going out.
   The new regime starts Wednesday. The "Tokyo Alert" warning to caution residents about the spread of COVID-19 will not be issued anymore.
   Under the new regime, seven indicators will be monitored, including the average numbers over the past seven days of new infection cases, coronavirus consultations with the Tokyo Fire Department and untraceable cases coupled with the pace of their growth.


