2020.06.30 12:47Nation

北大学長を解任 「威圧的な言動」認定―萩生田文科相

名和豊春 北海道大学学長(同大ホームページより)

名和豊春 北海道大学学長(同大ホームページより)


2020.06.30 12:47Nation

Hokkaido Univ. President Nawa Sacked

Japanese education minister Koichi Hagiuda dismissed Hokkaido University President Toyoharu Nawa on Tuesday.
   In July 2019, the university's council to select the president filed the request with the education minister to fire Nawa over his power harassment, or abuse of authority at workplace.
   Nawa, 66, became the first sacked national university corporation president since national universities in the country turned into independent administrative entities in 2004.
   The education ministry has recognized from the results of hearings on Nawa and documents submitted by the council that he had an overbearing attitude toward university executives and staff and reprimanded them excessively, ministry officials said.
   It concluded that Nawa should be removed from his post based on the national university corporation act stipulating that a university president who is not suitable for the post is liable for dismissal.


