2020.06.30 07:05Nation

レジ袋有料化、1日スタート プラごみ全体の削減課題―政府


2020.06.30 07:05Nation

All Japanese Stores to Charge Shoppers for Plastic Bags from Wed.

All retail stores across Japan, including convenience stores and supermarkets, will be required to charge shoppers for plastic bags from Wednesday as a measure to protect the environment.
   But plastic shopping bags account for only around 2 pct of all plastic waste produced in the country. While the government hopes that the introduction of the fees will encourage consumers to change their lifestyles, the challenge will be accelerating the reduction in the amount of overall plastic waste by utilizing the launch of the fees as a catalyst.
   To introduce the fees, the government last December revised ordinances related to the law on containers and packaging recycling, hoping that more and more people will bring their own bags when going shopping.
   Even on and after Wednesday, stores will be allowed to hand out for free tough plastic shopping bags that can be used repeatedly, as well as bags that are decomposed by microorganisms in the sea and those containing at least 25 pct biomass materials.
   Under related government guidelines, stores are asked to charge customers at least one yen for each bag.


