2020.06.30 00:09Nation

あおり運転罪、適用可能に 警察庁分析、若者で高割合―改正道交法が施行


2020.06.30 00:09Nation

Acts of Road Rage Become Punishable under Revised Law

The revised road traffic law took effect Tuesday, making acts of road rage punishable in Japan.
   The revised law defines acts of road rage as those aimed at obstructing vehicle traffic by tailgating, slamming on the brakes and cutting in front of other vehicles.
   Driving with high beams on, honking unnecessarily and driving very slowly, stopping or parking vehicles on an expressway are also punishable under the revised law.
   Violators face up to three years in prison or up to 500,000 yen in fines. For acts causing serious dangers, such as making other vehicles stop on an expressway, the maximum punishment is five years in prison or 1 million yen in fines.
   Tougher administrative penalties are also in place, with the driver's license to be revoked for a single act of road rage.


