2020.06.27 05:47Nation

チリ人容疑者、来月23日に仏引き渡し 自宅軟禁に―筑波大生不明事件


2020.06.27 05:47Nation

Extradition of Chilean Suspect over Missing Japanese Set for July 23

A Chilean man suspected of murdering a Japanese woman who went missing in France in December 2016 is set to be handed over to French authorities on July 23, it was learned Friday.
   Chile's Supreme Court decided the same day to place under house arrest the suspect, Nicolas Zepeda Contreras, 29, a former boyfriend of the Japanese woman, Narumi Kurosaki.
   Zepeda returned to Chile shortly after the disappearance of Kurosaki, who was studying in Besancon in eastern France. Until the upcoming extradition, he will stay at his family's home in the coastal resort of Vina del Mar, northwest of Santiago.
   The Chilean top court started to examine French authorities' request for the extradition of Zepeda in March and approved it in April. During the court process, a sister of Kurosaki testified that he had appeared to be obsessed with her.


