2020.06.27 07:22Nation

仕事で心の病、過去最多 ハラスメントが原因―19年度


2020.06.27 07:22Nation

People with Work-Related Mental Illness Hit Record in Japan

The number of people with depression and other psychological disorders recognized as work-related in Japan in fiscal 2019 rose 44 from the previous year to 509, hitting a new high, the welfare ministry said Friday.
   Of them, 79 suffered severe harassment and bullying, including harassment from higher-status people, and 42 suffered sexual harassment, according to the ministry's survey on compensation paid for industrial accidents.
   The number of people who made compensation claims due to mental illness rose 240 to 2,060, also a record high. Suicide and attempted suicide accounted for 202 claims, of which 88 were recognized.
   Among those who made claims because of mental illness, 68 people cited changes in work quality and quantity and 55 experienced or witnessed accidents or disasters.
   Of those whose mental illness was recognized as work-related, the number of people in their 40s rose 25 to 170, the highest figure for an age group. The number in their 20s and 30s also increased.


