2020.06.25 17:01Nation

日本人駐在員らがベトナム入り 制限緩和の合意後で初めて


2020.06.25 17:01Nation

Japanese Biz Travelers Enter Vietnam after Easing of Ban

Some 150 Japanese business people arrived in Vietnam on Thursday, marking the first such entry since Tokyo and Hanoi agreed last week to mutually ease travel restrictions imposed as part of the fight against the novel coronavirus outbreak.
   A Vietnam Airlines flight carrying the Japanese business travelers arrived at Van Don International Airport in northern Vietnam.
   The Japanese and Vietnamese governments said Friday last week that they will mutually relax entry restrictions related to the pandemic in stages to resume business travel between the two countries.
   A total of some 440 Japanese business people are expected to enter Vietnam in the three days through Saturday thanks to an easing in the country's restrictions. After arrival, they are required to undergo coronavirus tests and to be quarantined for 14 days at hotels.
   The two governments will discuss additionally easing Vietnam's entry restrictions so that more Japanese business people can travel to the Southeast Asian country, while promoting talks on visits to Japan by Vietnamese business people, including technical trainees.


