2020.06.24 20:06Nation

新型コロナ専門家会議を廃止 「分科会」に衣替え、自治体も参加―政府


2020.06.24 20:06Nation

Japan to Reorganize Coronavirus Expert Panel

The Japanese government plans to reorganize its panel of experts on the novel coronavirus, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura has announced.
   While the current expert panel has no legal backing, a new panel will be placed under the government's coronavirus advisory council, which is based on a related law, Nishimura told a press conference on Wednesday.
   The new panel's members will include representatives from local governments and risk management experts, as well as infectious disease specialists, according to the minister.
   "There could be matters that cannot be handled by infectious disease specialists alone," such as setting vaccination priorities, Nishimura said.
   The new panel is slated to hold its first meeting early next month.


