2020.06.23 11:47Nation

接触アプリ、371万回ダウンロード 不具合も判明、修正へ―加藤厚労相


2020.06.23 11:47Nation

Japan's Coronavirus Tracking App Sees 3.71 M. Downloads So Far

Japan's coronavirus contact tracking app has seen 3.71 million downloads as of 9 a.m. Tuesday (midnight Monday GMT), since it was released on Friday afternoon, according to health minister Katsunobu Kato.
   "We hope that more people will participate" in the mobile app initiative, Kato said at a press conference.
   The minister noted that, as the app is still a trial version, the government will swiftly correct any problems with it.
   Problems found so far include one that identification numbers for people who have been confirmed positive for the novel coronavirus can be fabricated on the app.
   "It's important to develop the app together with users, as it will function with the participation of many people," Kato stressed.


