「買収リスト」隠滅か 河井前法相PC、データ消去―公選法違反・検察当局
Ex-Min. Kawai May Have Tried to Destroy Evidence of Vote-Buying
Former Japanese Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai, who was arrested last week for alleged vote-buying, is suspected of trying to delete from his personal computer data on lists of people to whom he distributed cash, it was learned Monday.
The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office's special investigation unit and the Hiroshima District Public Prosecutors Office recovered the erased data through digital forensic technology.
They believe that he may have sought to destroy evidence related to the allegation that he distributed cash to scores of local politicians in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan, to round up votes for his wife, Anri, in the July 2019 election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament, in violation of the public offices election law.
Katsuyuki's PC was seized during the raid of a Tokyo office of the 57-year-old member of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, in March this year.
Sources said that traces of attempts to erase the computer's internal data were found, and that the prosecutors recovered lists of the names of members of the Hiroshima prefectural assembly, the Hiroshima city assembly and mayors of municipalities in the prefecture.