2020.06.22 12:10Nation

河井前法相、現金提供認める 買収否定、「妻と共謀ない」―公選法違反・検察当局


2020.06.22 12:10Nation

Arrested Ex-Justice Min. Kawai Admits Cash Distribution

Former Japanese Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai, who was arrested last week for alleged vote-buying, has admitted distributing cash to local politicians in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan, it was learned Monday.
   But he seems to be denying that the cash distribution was aimed at buying votes for his wife, Anri, in the July 2019 election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament. In questioning by prosecutors, he has also denied any conspiracy with his wife in the suspected vote-buying.
   Katsuyuki, 57, was arrested on Thursday by the special unit of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office for allegedly distributing a total of 25.7 million yen in cash to 94 politicians and others in Hiroshima to seek their support for rounding up votes for Anri in the election in violation of the public offices election law.
   Katsuyuki, a member of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, has told people close to him that he handed out the cash to the local politicians, informed sources said.
   Meanwhile, he said in questioning by the prosecutors soon after the arrest that he has done nothing illegal at all, denying the vote-buying allegations.


