2020.06.22 13:31Nation

「テレワーク拡大」賛成7割 「通勤の苦痛なくなる」―時事世論調査


2020.06.22 13:31Nation

70 Pct in Japan Want Teleworking Even After Coronavirus

A recent survey by Jiji Press has found that 70.0 pct of people in Japan are in favor of promoting teleworking even after the coronavirus crisis is contained, with many citing the benefit of reduced commuting burden.
   They are a combination of 24.8 pct who think teleworking should be promoted even after the pandemic is over and 45.2 pct who somewhat think so.
   Asked to name good things about teleworking, with multiple answers allowed, 68.2 pct of the respondents said there will be no stressful time to commute to work, while 50.6 pct said they will be able to live in and work from places with cheaper housing costs.
   Being able to work even when they are giving nursing care to their family members or others was picked by 47.7 pct, followed by less time to spend on unproductive overwork, at 42.4 pct, and working environment more friendly for people with physical disabilities, at 41.6 pct.
   Asked about problems linked to teleworking, 71.9 pct said there is work that has to be done at office, while 39.1 pct said a lack of workplace interactions may lead to reduced intimacy among colleagues.


