2020.06.21 07:09Nation

最先端情報に資格制を デジタル化へ不可欠―自民・甘利氏




2020.06.21 07:09Nation

INTERVIEW: LDP to Propose Certification System to Control Cutting-Edge Info

Japan's Liberal Democratic Party will propose the government introduce a certification system for private-sector officials who handle confidential information on cutting-edge technologies, party bigwig Akira Amari has said.
   "Japan could be suddenly excluded from international joint research projects and digital parts procurement networks" if the country stays without a certification system like those in the United States and Europe and important information keeps flowing out, Amari said in a recent interview with Jiji Press.
   The United States, Britain and the European Union have security clearance certification systems, granting private-sector officials access to confidential information on advanced technologies in multiple degrees based on confidentiality levels.
   Among developed countries, "only Japan doesn't have a certification system, and everyone can gain access to important information at companies and universities," said Amari, a senior member of the ruling party's new world order creation strategy headquarters.
   With China calling on Chinese researchers overseas to collect information on cutting-edge technologies, information at Japanese research institutions with weak control can be stolen unlimitedly, he warned.


