2020.06.19 14:51Nation

「心の性は女性」受け入れへ 日本女子大、24年から


2020.06.19 14:51Nation

Japan Women's University to Accept Transgender Students

Japan Women's University said Friday that it will start accepting transgender students in April 2024.
   The university in Tokyo will admit both undergraduate and graduate students who are classified as men under the family registration system but recognize their gender as female.
   It is the fourth all-female university in the country to announce it will accept such students, according to the education ministry.
   "We'll contribute to the realization of a society that embraces differences, where no one is treated unfairly," Satoko Shinohara, president of the university, said in a statement.
   Ochanomizu University in Tokyo and Nara Women's University in Nara started accepting transgender students from April.


